You are here: Job Costing > Defining Job Costing Forms > Job Costing > Transactions


This tab displays all the transactions that have been activated against this job. Filtering can be selected by transaction type and Cost Centre.

Remember you have the ability to copy and paste information into Excel if needed for further reporting.

Field Description
Transactions Type Drop down list box to limit the display to a selected source type. Defaults on load of this tab to [All Transactions]
Create Transactions Button is enabled when a specific Transaction Type is selected. Clicking this button creates a new transaction for the type selected. If the button is disabled then a new transaction cannot be created for that type e.g. back orders
Cost Centre Drop down list box to limit the display to a selected Cost Centre. Defaults on load of this tab to [All ]
Source Type Displays each type of transaction allocated to the job
Batch No Header reference of the transactions
Job No. Job number, cost centre and stage the cost or invoice was allocated to
Item & Description Relevant details of the transaction
Tran Date Date of the transaction
Qty Quantity allocated or invoiced to the job
Total Cost Total cost for that transaction
Total Charge Total charge for the transaction

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